Thursday, July 31, 2008

Repetitive and long winded

Do you wonder sometimes when do I get sometime off alone?  I got a little tips for ya.  Late night driving ALONE, preferably on a highway so you don't get that many traffic lights.  I'm serious y'all.  I was kinda on an auto pilot while driving home tonight.  As usual my wednesday night ends a little after midnight, tonight it was just Hanafi and I.  Most of tonight, I was tidying up our storage room, it's been in a mess since last friday.  =)  Feeling pretty peaceful inside, though two men pissed me off big time.  These two men are one of our client's drivers, while I was killing myself lugging big heavy bags into the office.  They just STOOD there and WATCHED.  I was like oh my fucking god.  Not like they don't know me, not like they don't know we have to do this every wednesday.  I mean are ppl really that dense in they heads?  

Hey, back to my lonely drive home.  I truly enjoyed it. Every single time.  I could go like 40mph and no one would be bothering me.  I could go like 100mph and I wouldn't bump into anyone ^^.  Most of the times, I go SLOW, real SLOW...  Enjoying the peace that we normally don't get driving during daytime.  You will get more than just peace in mind, you will also get cool midnight air for free!!!!  Turn off your a/c baby and enjoy the ride.  =)  I love it, I believe you'll love it too.  

Am listening to a song that reminds me of old times...  Don't Know Why-- Nora Jones.  Tomorrow is my Marketing Director's last day with us.  After work, we'll head over to Saisaki, the Japanese Buffet Restaurant, supposedly good food.  =)  I could careless about the food, I just wanna chill with them.  Oh on the side note, just in case you're wondering how come my recent posts have no pictures.  That's because I don't have time to upload them onto the bucket.  Ya know, my weekends don't belong to me.  However, you have a little more time on hand.  Please check out this website.

Hang on, am chatting with Rina.  I gotta end it here.  Adios!!!

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