Friday, February 15, 2008


PhotobucketHow many more lives needed to be taken away before you realize MURDERING does not solve any of your anger, any of your unhappiness, and any of your dissatisfactions in life???

Found out about NIU shooting news moments ago when a friend of mine replied my message telling me why she's sad on Valentine's Day. This is what she had replied me with:
awh thanks yash, happy valentine's day! but i'm sad because today at my school a bunch of people got shot by a guy who decided to go into a lecture hall, get on the stage, and kill people....and i'm sick of school shootings.
I was so shocked, I couldn't believe my own eyes. I went onto and to find out for myself. I was thinking to myself... AGAIN??? It wasn't enough that we had Cho Seung-Hui who killed 32 INNOCENT people??? It wasn't enough that we had Charles Carl Roberts IV that left five little girls (age6-13) killed at an Amish school??? What is the world turning into? If you're unhappy, you can just murder someone? If you're psycho, you have an excuse to kill?? I don't think so.

On both Yahoo and Chicago news reported, an eyewitness, Edward Robinson said that the gunman appeared to target students in one part of the lecture hall. He also added "Almost like he knew who he wanted to shoot." This is utterly mind disturbing...
According to Yahoo news, this shooting is the FOURTH at a U.S. school within ONE week!!!

Going with this rate of four shootings a week.
I could picture few years down the road, parents are afraid to send their kids to school and college because school is no longer a safe place for learning...
I could picture few years down the road, everyone carries a gun for self-defense...
I could picture...

How many more lives were to be sacrificed until we realized gun control is essential and that current gun policy in the U.S. needs to be drastically improved. OR even better, no more guns on the streets! No more issuing gun licenses!



Unknown said...

It is truly a sad time, most especially for our children who deserve a safe place to learn, like you said. And maybe there needs to be a change in gun policy. But I think that banning guns won't solve the problem. In the same way drugs that ruin people's lives are still being distributed, if outlawed guns will find their way to stupid disgruntled people who use it for their own sick agenda.

valeriest ~ 琪 said...

Urgh, I'm disgusted.

"...If you're unhappy, you can just murder someone? If you're psycho, you have an excuse to kill??..."

Well said. The world needs more of love and conscience, not violence. Banning guns won't help, I think. It's the people we need to deal with.

Well, pardon me if I'm being... urm.. intrusive :P

Yasha said...

No no you're not intruding at all. =)
And to Erin, you're right, banning guns won't solve the problem... It really was my wishful thinking.