Sunday, October 19, 2008


Gone.  Until whenever it may be.  

He's the only guy who made me walked in the rain
He's cried
He's stuffed cash* in a Mentos case
and tried giving em to me, knowing I don't do gums.  
He's bought me calling card,
reminding me to use landline to call coz it's free.  
We've said numerous goodbyes
I've heard the pilot's announcement
We've talked about it
I've kissed his forehead goodbye
We've stayed on the phone until he really had to go
He's asked me will I be fine
I've answered it will never be fine but it will find its way to be okay...

For cryin out loud, I'm effin lost right now.  
Since when did it happen?  
and why did it happen?

*To buy me a jacket we saw few days back ;)

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