Rage defined in Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary means violent and uncontrolled anger.
If you add the word "road" in front of rage, you will get road rage!
If road rage was a diagnosed disease, I would be tested positive. It really is not a pretty story to tell ya. But road rage is scary. About a month ago, we left work pretty late. I dropped my coworkers on the side of the road and then I put on my left signal wanting to get back on track. I saw a Myvi coming from the back, I KNOW he saw my signals and yet he refused to let me out AND he honked at me, several times. All of a sudden, my rage took over, I tail gated that stupid car and kept honking at him too! I was well aware of my actions yet I cannot control myself to stop. It was not the first time I experience road rage... My road rage stories are too horrible to tell...
I just want to say, please drive carefully out there. Do no be like me. And do not be like that stupid guy in the dinky little Myvi! Oh by the way, I HATE PPL WHO DRIVES IN SMALL CARS!!!!!!!!
Dear dear me, you gotta control your rage! Safety is the priority on road.
I am trying real hard to tune it down... =(
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